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Cell Biologics provides custom services to our customers upon request.

Adult stem cell analysis (Human and Mouse Cells) 

We provide extensive adult stem cell analysis including hematopoietic stem cells, intestinal stem cells, spermatogonial stem cells and so on.

1. Hematopoietic stem cells: phenotypic analysis, colony-forming assay, spleen colony assay, hematopoieticstem cell transplantation assay, etc.

2. Intestinal stem cells:  phenotypic analysis, differentiation assay including numbers of goblet cells, endocrine cells, Paneth cells, etc.

3. Spermatogonial stem cells: phenotypic analysis, Spermatogonial stem cell transplantation assay. 

Surgical and Functional Assessment Services 

1.     Myocardial infarction and reperfusion

2.      Trans aortic constriction pressure overload model

3.      Mouse Lung orthotopic transplantation

4.      Mouse lung ischemia and reperfusion injury

5.      Mouse kidney ischemia and reperfusion injury

6.      Mouse Skin transplantation

7.      Mouse Parabiosis

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Featured Cells

BKS db Control Mouse Pancreatic Fibroblasts

BKS db Control Mouse Pancreatic Fibroblasts
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Price: $0.00
Cat. #: K57-6201

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BKS db Control Mouse Pancreatic Fibroblasts

Catalog No.  K57-6201

Suggested Medium:  Fibroblast Medium /w Kit –500 ml

Catalog No. M2267 

Product Description

BKS db Control Mouse Pancreatic Fibroblasts are isolated from the pancrea of C57BLKS/J pathogen-free laboratory mice. BKS db Control Mouse Pancreatic Fibroblasts are grown in T75 tissue culture flasks pre-coated with gelatin-based coating solution for 2 min and incubated in Cell Biologics’ Culture Complete Growth Medium generally for 3-7 days. Cultures are then expanded. Prior to shipping, cells at passage 1 are detached from flasks and immediately cryo-preserved in vials. Each vial contains at least 0.5x106 cells per ml. 

Product Testing

BKS db Control Mouse Pancreatic Fibroblasts are tested for expression of marker using the antibody of anti-FSP1/S100A4 (Millipore USA) by immunofluorescence staining. Cells are negative for bacteria, yeast, fungi, and mycoplasma. Cells can be expanded for 3-5 passages at a split ratio of 1:2 under the cell culture conditions specified by Cell Biologics. Repeated freezing and thawing of cells is not recommended. 

Cell Biologics' Cell Genotype Promise

Cell Biologics has established rigorous genetic quality control and genotyping programs to ensure the normal and genetic background of our cell strains as well as our diseased cell strains with identified diseases (e.g., diabetic cells, hypertentive cells, smoke cells, etc.). Cell Biologics' cell strains are only made available to researchers after meeting our standards. Because it is not possible to fully characterize or capture each cell strain in the cell strain data sheets, we cannot guarantee each cell strain's phenotype will meet all expectations. To ensure that Cell Biologics'cells will meet the needs of individual research projects or when requesting a cell strain that is new to your research, we suggest ordering and performing tests on a small number of cells (1-2 vials) to determine suitability for your particular project.

Laboratory Applications

BKS db Control Mouse Pancreatic Fibroblasts can be used for the assay of cell-cell interaction, adhesion, PCR, Western blot, immunoprecipitation, immunofluorescent flow cytometry, or generating cell derivatives for desired research applications. 

Storage of Cell Biologics’ Products

Cell Biologics ships frozen cells on dry ice. On receipt, immediately transfer frozen cells to liquid nitrogen (-180 °C) until ready for experimental use. Live cell shipment is also available on request. Primary cells should never be kept at -20 °C.

Authorized Uses of Cell Biologics’ Products

BKS db Control Mouse Pancreatic Fibroblasts from Cell Biologics are distributed for laboratory research purposes only. Our products are not authorized for human use, not for in vitro diagnostic procedures or for therapeutic procedures. Transfer or resale of any Cell Biologics’ cells or products from the purchaser to other markets, organizations or individuals is prohibited by Cell Biologics without the company’s written consent. Cell Biologics’ Terms and Conditions must be accepted before submitting an order. 


Appropriate safety procedures should always be used with this material. Investigators should handle the cells that they receive from Cell Biologics with caution and treat all primary cells as potential pathogens, since no test procedure can completely guarantee the absence of infectious agents. The entire text of discussing Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories, 5th ed. is available online at

Warranty and Liability

Cell Biologics’ guarantee applies only to your purchase of Cell Biologics’ Cells with Cell Biologics’ Media and Coating Solution for appropriate cell culture and cell testing following Cell Biologics’ online protocols within 35 days from the date of product delivery.

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