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Cell Biologics provides custom services to our customers upon request.

Adult stem cell analysis (Human and Mouse Cells) 

We provide extensive adult stem cell analysis including hematopoietic stem cells, intestinal stem cells, spermatogonial stem cells and so on.

1. Hematopoietic stem cells: phenotypic analysis, colony-forming assay, spleen colony assay, hematopoieticstem cell transplantation assay, etc.

2. Intestinal stem cells:  phenotypic analysis, differentiation assay including numbers of goblet cells, endocrine cells, Paneth cells, etc.

3. Spermatogonial stem cells: phenotypic analysis, Spermatogonial stem cell transplantation assay. 

Surgical and Functional Assessment Services 

1.     Myocardial infarction and reperfusion

2.      Trans aortic constriction pressure overload model

3.      Mouse Lung orthotopic transplantation

4.      Mouse lung ischemia and reperfusion injury

5.      Mouse kidney ischemia and reperfusion injury

6.      Mouse Skin transplantation

7.      Mouse Parabiosis

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Featured Cells

C57BL/6 Mouse Bone Marrow Macrophages (Frozen Cells)

C57BL/6 Mouse Bone Marrow Macrophages (Frozen Cells)
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Price: $0.00
Cat. #: C57-6030

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Related Documents:
C57BL/6 Mouse Bone Marrow Macrophages

Catalog No. C57-6030F

Suggested Medium M3368 Complete Macrophage Medium w/ Kit (500 ml)

Product Description

C57BL/6 Mouse Bone Marrow Macrophages from Cell Biologics are isolated from tibias and femurs of pathogen-free laboratory C57BL/6 mice and grown in tissue culture plates with Cell Biologics’ Cell Culture Medium. Cells at passage 0 are cryo-preserved and each vial contains 3x106 cells per ml. C57BL/6 Mouse Bone Marrow Macrophages are characterized by immunofluorescence staining using antibody of CD11b or F4/80. These cells can be plated on multiwell culture plates for experiments under the cell culture conditions specified by Cell Biologics. Cells can not be cultured indefinitely and can not be passaged.


Cryopreserved Cells are shipped with dry ice overnight. Upon arrival, transfer frozen cells to liquid nitrogen (-180°C) immediately until ready for use. Live cell shipment is also available on request. Primary cells can never be kept at -20 °C or -80 °C freezer.

Authorized Uses of Cell Biologics’ Products

C57BL/6 Mouse Bone Marrow Macrophages from Cell Biologics are distributed for research purposes only. Our products are not authorized for human use, for in vitro diagnostic or therapeutic procedures. Transfer or resale of any Cell Biologics’ cells or products from the purchaser to other markets, organizations or individuals is prohibited by Cell Biologics without the company’s written consent. Cell Biologics’ Terms and Conditions must be accepted before submitting an order.

Disclaimer Investigators should handle the cells with caution and treat all animal cells as potential pathogens, since no test procedure can completely guarantee the absence of infectious agents. Warranty and Liability

Cell Biologics’ guarantee applies only to your purchase of Cell Biologics’ Cells with Cell Biologics’ Media and Coating Solution for appropriate cell culture and cell testing following Cell Biologics’ online protocols within 35 days from the date of product delivery.

Primary Macrophage Culture Protocol

All cell culture procedures must be conducted in a bio-safety cabinet.

Any and all media, supplements, and reagents must be sterilized by filtration through a 0.2 µm filter.

Use aseptic technique to prevent microbial contamination.

Medium Review the information provided on the Cell Biologics website about appropriate culture media (e.g. serum and other supplements).

Use pre-warmed (37°C) cell culture media (30-50 ML, Catalog No. M3368) to seed cells and when changing media.

Coating of Cell Culture Plates or Dishes Coat sterile culture dishes or flasks with Gelatin Coating Solution (Catalog No. 6950, Cell Biologics) for 2 min, then aspirate the excess solution.

Cell Recovery from Cryovial

Thaw the cells quickly (<2 min) in a 37°C water bath until just prior to complete thawing.

Wipe the outside of the vial with 70% ethanol.

Use 1 ml Pipette Tip to resuspend cells and transfer cells to a 15 ml sterile tube.

Add 5 ml of pre-warmed Cell Biologics’ Cell Culture Medium (Catalog number M3368, Cell Biologics) gently to the side of the tube and slowly pipette up and down 2 to 3 times to resuspend the cells.

Centrifuge the cells at 200 x g at 4°C for 5 min.

Carefully remove the supernatant and resuspend in 7 mL pre-warmed Maintenance Medium (Catalog No. M3368, Cell Biologics).

Carefully pour cell suspension into the cell culture plate or dish.

Recommended Cell Seeding: 0.7-0.8 million cells are seeded per well of a 12-well plate or 1-1.5 million macroPlace a plate in a humidified, 5%-CO2 incubator at 37°C until experiments.

Change fresh cell culture medium every 24-48 hours. Cells should be checked daily under a microscope to verify appropriate cell morphology.

Proceed with experiment assays.

Note: Please send us the cell images (>90% confluence) if you have any question or problem with cultured cells.


mBio. 2021 May-Jun; 12(3): e01227-21.

mSphere. 2022 Jan-Feb; 7(1): e00934-21.

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Title Author(s) Journal Issue

Multicomponent Gold-Linked Glycoconjugate Vaccine Elicits Antigen-Specific Humoral and Mixed TH1-TH17 Immunity, Correlated with Increased Protection against Burkholderia pseudomallei Daniel Tapia,a Javier I. Sanchez-Villamil,a Heather L. Stevenson,b and Alfredo G. Torresa,b mBio 2021 May-Jun; 12(3):

Optimization of Multivalent Gold Nanoparticle Vaccines Eliciting Humoral and Cellular Immunity in an In Vivo Model of Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7 Colonization Javier I. Sanchez-Villamil,# a ,* Daniel Tapia,# a , § and Alfredo G. Torres a , b mSphere. 2022 Jan-Feb; 7(1):
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